Wednesday AND Thursday, June 11-12, 2025!!!!!!!
Highline Community Church, 6160 South Wabash Way, Greenwood Village, CO 80111
There's lots of new information, so...*** PLEASE READ IT ALL ***
- PLEASE NOTE: If you plan to PICK UP your unsold materials, you MUST do so between 1:20 PM - 2:40 PM on Thursday, June 12th .
Materials WILL NOT BE available for pick-up after 2:40pm on Thursday. Any unclaimed materials become the property of CHEC after 2:40pm and could potentially be sold during our Grab Bag Sale.
- Unsold items MUST be picked up at the allotted times, otherwise they become the property of CHEC.
- CHEC is NOT responsible for LOST, MISSING or STOLEN items. Please make sure all items are correctly labeled and that
bound items are secure.
- See more on the WEBSITE.
- All Sellers will be receiving 60% commission, which is great for new sellers.
- Additional 5% for volunteering to work (minimum of 4 hours) with the UCS
- Attach your label securely to the FRONT-TOP-RIGHT-CORNER of your item.
See the FAQ PAGE
for more information.
- Pack items by
SUBJECT. This will make the process of putting items on the tables for selling more efficient and timely.
- Pack your materials in disposable containers preferably cardboard boxes that can be used for set-up. We cannot be
responsible for returning any containers to their owners.
- UCS registration will only be available through this automated barcoding system. No handwritten labels will be
accepted. Barcoding is done online and will automatically print your labels and master sheet.
- Upon registration, you must agree to the
TERMS OF SERVICE. Since it is impossible for CHEC to preview every item submitted to the UCS, please review your materials and do not
include items that may be offensive to our primarily Christian attendees.
- The online barcoding system will be closed to any additions or modifications to your account on on Monday, June 10 th at 11:59pm in
preparation for the sale. See full SCHEDULE
here. Please plan your preparations for the UCS accordingly. Also, all sellers must bring in a hard copy of their master
sheet when they come to drop off their books.
- You will need to create a new account, even if you used this system last year. Accounts are not held over from year to year, however
when you set up your new account, if you use the same email address, the system will recognize you.
- Bound copied material will not be accepted unless the original copy-write information is provided on each item.
- Items that come in a set MUST all have the SAME label (that means you will have to print multiples of that label,
please make sure that the numbers match) and be bound together. See our FAQ PAGE for more information
or contact
Further details will be sent out prior to the sale.
- Drop off will be in the in the main sanctuary of Highline Community Church. Further details will be sent out prior
to the sale.